Jewish Folklore and Ethnology

Jewish Folklore and Ethnology
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Journal Information
- ISSN: 2833-2563
- eISSN: 2833-258X
- Keywords: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Folklore, Jewish Life and Tradition, Jewish Studies
- Frequency: Annual
Jewish Folklore and Ethnology (JFE) is a peer-reviewed annual journal. It features innovative, original analytical studies, essays, and commentaries in English on the diverse ways in which Jewishness is expressed, conceived, transformed, and perceived by Jews and non-Jews through folklore, tradition, and social/cultural practice. JFE succeeds previous international serials of Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review and Jewish Cultural Studies sponsored by the Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Section of the American Folklore Society. JFE's coverage includes but is not limited to genres of narrative, song, music, speech, custom, ritual, belief, art, craft, architecture, dance, dress, and food; practices and performances of the body, faith, home, and community in the past and present; and ideas of tradition, identity, ethnicity, race, gender, religion, education, and culture. JFE invites submissions from varied disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and methodologies/approaches. JFE strives for an international reach in content and authors and values engaging academic writing that will be of interest to lay as well as scholarly audiences.