Fairy Tale Review
Fairy Tale Review is an annual literary journal dedicated to publishing new fairy-tale fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The journal seeks…
ISSN: 1556-6153
eISSN: 2327-6819
Frequency: Annual
Human Biology
The Official Publication of the American Association of Anthropological Genetics
Founded in 1929, Human Biology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on research to increase understanding of human biological variation.…
ISSN: 0018-7143
eISSN: 1534-6617
Frequency: Quarterly
Jewish Film & New Media
An International Journal
Jewish Film & New Media provides an outlet for research into any aspect of Jewish film, television, and new media…
ISSN: 2169-0324
eISSN: 2169-0332
Frequency: Two times per year
Jewish Folklore and Ethnology
Jewish Folklore and Ethnology (JFE) is a peer-reviewed annual journal. It features innovative, original analytical studies, essays, and commentaries in…
ISSN: 2833-2563
eISSN: 2833-258X
Frequency: Annual
Marvels & Tales
Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies
Marvels & Tales is a peer-reviewed journal that is international and multidisciplinary in orientation. The journal publishes scholarly work dealing…
ISSN: 1521-4281
eISSN: 1536-1802
Frequency: Two times per year
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
A Peer Relations Journal
The Merrill-Palmer Quarterly is the only empirical journal dedicated to the topic of peer relations. Published four times a year, the journal…
ISSN: 0272-930X
eISSN: 1535-0266
Frequency: Quarterly