Volume 37, Number 2 (Fall 2023)
Editorial Policy
Guidelines for Submissions
From the Editors
Introduction to the Special Issue: Literary Fairy Tales and the Embodied Mind
Francesca Arnavas and Marzia Beltrami
Metamorphosis: Embodied Narrative at Play in the Seventeenth-Century Fairy Tale
Karin Kukkonen
Queer Disabled Bodyminds in the Fairy Tales of Dinah
Mulock Craik and Oscar Wilde
John Patrick Pazdziora
Love, the Moon, and the Body: George MacDonald’s “The Light Princess” and “Little Daylight” as Reflections on the Embodied Mind
Francesca Arnavas
Conceptualizing the Embodied Cognition of Uncertainty in Two Terrifying Tales: Lucy Lane Clifford’s “The New Mother” and Neil Gaiman’s Coraline
Anna Kérchy
From Affective Schemata to Authentic Becoming: How Reading about Bodies Can Shape Our Mental Landscape and Philosophical Outlook; Postcritique and A. S. Byatt’s “A Stone Woman”
Naomi Rokotnitz
“Feeling Thought”: Exploring the Materiality of the Mind in A. S. Byatt’s Fairy Tales
Marzia Beltrami
Fairy-Tale Bodies and Embodying the Fairy Tale in Telltale
Games’ The Wolf Among Us
Mattia Bellini
Writing and Drawing “The Three Dresses” (Creative Practice as Research)
The Three Dresses
Jess Richards
Japanese Tales of Lafcadio Hearn. (Edited and introduced by Andrei Codrescu. Foreword by Jack Zipes)
Micheline M. Soong
La nouvelle jeunesse des contes: Transcréations des recueils de Perrault et des Grimm. (Edited by Cyrille François and Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère)
B. E. Lara
Peau d’âne et peaux de bêtes: Variations et reconfigurations d’un motif dans les mythes, les fables et les contes. (Edited by Frédéric Calas)
Elizabeth Howard
Woke Cinderella: Twenty-First-Century Adaptations. (Edited by Suzy Woltmann)
Amanda Firestone
The Brothers Grimm and the Making of German Nationalism. (Jakob Norberg)
Rebecca Davis
George MacDonald’s Children’s Fantasies and the Divine Imagination.
(Colin Manlove)
Laurel Samuelson
Lewis Carroll’s “Alice” and Cognitive Narratology: Author, Reader, and Characters. (Francesca Arnavas)
Veronica Schanoes
Love, Power, and Gender in Seventeenth-Century French Fairy Tales.
(Bronwyn Reddan)
Christine A. Jones
Rumpelstiltskin’s Secret: What Women Didn’t Tell the Grimms. (Harry Rand)
Abigail Heiniger
Inviting Interruptions: Wonder Tales in the 21st Century. (Edited by Cristina Bacchilega and Jennifer Orme)
Theodora Goss
Index to Volume 37 (2023)